Friday, August 28, 2009

Cold Process Soap

Cold process technique is used to make soap through creating a chemical reaction between sodium hydroxide (lye) and fats (olive oil, sunflower oil and many more). This reaction known as "Saponification" was inadvertently achieved first by the ancient Romans when rain mixed the animal fat residue (tallow from cattle used in ritual sacrifices) with the burned wood on clay. Women living on the banks of the Tiber River flowing down to mount Sapo discovered that the clothes they washed were much cleaner in this area, hence the birth of natural soap.

With the soap industry producing highly processed and unnatural soaps, we found that by making your own natural soap you take control of your skin's health and rid it of harsh chemicals and toxins that hurt your body and the environment. In adding essential oils to fragrant the soap along with natural herbs as colorants or for their therapeutic properties, the result is natural, gorgeous soaps that cannot be found on the shelves of any store.

Making soap is really easy and fun, but keep in mind that safety is key in making soap successfully. When using lye always use rubber gloves and eye protection, and keep your distance from it to avoid breathing in dangerous fumes.

We offer you kits that are pre-measured and contain all of the ingredients you need to make natural soap or you can also find soap making supplies here if you're following your own recipes. To that end, always follow the recipe and don’t change quantities on your own. More instructions for making cold process soap can be found in our articles section - "Making cold process soap".
To view our kits go to:

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